"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially

unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10




Donate to the Foundation


The Lawrence and Ruthe Taylor Foundation Fund
A Donor-Advised Fund at National Christian Foundation
Fund #1449311

To current and future donors to the foundation,

The Lawrence and Ruthe Taylor Foundation (LARTFO) is no longer a separate IRS recognized foundation; it is now a donor advised fund administered by the National Christian Foundation. The mission of LARTFO remains unchanged. The trustees remain the same – Ed Wilson, Nelda Sorrell, and Craig Dickson.

Note that all future donations must be made to National Christian Foundation with the LARTFO account 1449311 notation for proper application. Do not designate donations directly to LARTFO or Church of God.

All donations to the foundation should be mailed per the following instructions:

     National Christian Foundation
     11625 Rainwater Drive, Suite 500
     Alpharetta, GA 30009

Make checks payable to "National Christian Foundation" and note the fund number on the check to ensure proper routing: #1449311.

National Christian Foundation will provide a tax receipt for your donation.

Please modify any last testaments per the following instructions.

The legal document that will direct the assets to the NCF Fund should be noted as follows: National Christian Charitable Foundation, Inc., (a charitable, non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia subject to its governing instruments, policies and procedures, as amended from time to time). This distribution is designated for The Lawrence and Ruthe Taylor Foundation Fund, #1449311. (TIN# 58-1493949, 11625 Rainwater Drive, Suite 500, Alpharetta, GA 30009)

National Christian Foundation has further details regarding last testaments at https://www.ncfgiving.com/forms/testamentarygiving.

Please direct questions to one of the trustees.

The legal document that will direct the assets to the NCF Fund should be noted as follows: National Christian Charitable Foundation, Inc., (a charitable, non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia subject to its governing instruments, policies and procedures, as amended from time to time). This distribution is designated for The Lawrence and Ruthe Taylor Foundation Fund,  #1449311.  (TIN# 58-1493949, 11625 Rainwater Drive, Suite 500, Alpharetta, GA 30009)

National Christian Foundation has further details regarding last testaments at https://www.ncfgiving.com/forms/testamentarygiving.  

Please direct questions to one of the trustees.


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