These guiding principles are subscribed to by the Board of
Trustees and support the Foundation's mission:
The conduct of our business will be in
keeping with the highest standards of Christian conduct.
It will be our purpose and our practice
to pray for divine guidance in the funding and other
decisions we make.
We have a legal, moral, and spiritual
responsibility to assure the prudent management of the
Foundation's resources.
We will endeavor to understand the
financial implications of all our decisions so that the
results of our funding will do good, not harm.
Decisions will not be made with political
motivations nor for personal advantage.
The promise or possibility of support to
any individual or group will be proffered only with the
agreement of the Board.
All sensitive deliberations will be kept
in confidence.
The Board will maintain as low a profile
as possible in the manner and method of its fund
We recognize the equality of all Board
members. No individual shall seek to exercise a greater
voice in the decisions or operations of the Foundation
than others. Every Board member shall be an equal
We keep our commitments; we do what we
say; and we carry out our business on a timely basis.
We shall strive to project the highest
standard of professionalism in both oral and written